
about Me

Hello and welcome to SweetKaramKapi, a dashboard for sharing my recipes, and cooking adventures. I am Vidhya Subramony, the cook, photographer, writer of this blog. I consider this blog a creative outlet, an opportunity for sharing the recipes that I have learnt. The recipes that you see here are all Vegetarian and the one’s that I have enjoyed cooking and sharing with my family. I am neither a professional cook/chef nor have I received any training to be one.
I love to cook healthful foods from around the world into my kitchen with a slight addition of Love.  Please use my recipes merely as guidelines and feel free to adapt it to cater to your needs.
I am a Tamilian brought up in a beautiful city of Chennai. I am a Vegetarian and have influences of many other cuisines.  I live in NewJersey, (which is a mini India) with my ever lovable sundar. We are blessed with 2 charming children who are our pride and joy.

Why the name SweetKaramKapi?

Sundar is from Erachakulam (near Kanyakumari), where is mostly exposed to Kerala cuisine and more of sweet dishes. His liking to dishes is also based on how well the dishes embrace the sweetness. But since the last 4 years, he has been fascinated to spicy dishes too! And I was born and brought up in chennai. So, I always have a passion to spicy and savory foods and snacks.  Thats why the blog name has sweetkaramkapi, karam means spicy hot and kapi or coffee is the one the delights both of us anytime, anywhere, and any number of time.

I should mention here, the person who influenced to start the blog and someone who encourages me with every letter on this blog. On my initial days in US, I began my cooking with phone calls to India and a little self experiment. I have never rule out any of our functions and the traditional recipes. 

My friend, Gayathri, suggested me to start a food blog. Although, there are umpteen food blogs which has great bloggers, she insisted me to try my expertise in the blog world. I have started learning quite many things since that day. 

And ever since the day of blogging, sundar is the one who go through all my experiments.   Also include my little one now and then.  What I have learned is Sundar is just a great enthusiast in appreciating and suggesting.  

How can I go without mentioning my little princess. She has the major part in my new food recipe. She is part of every part of the blog including my recipes to food photography to my writing. 

And thanks to all you guys for commenting and suggesting to help me improve every day. 

If you want to contact me about suggestions or any queries about any recipes, kindly drop an email @, I shall respond immediately.

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